Exercises Your Loved One Can Do With Limited Mobility

Exercises Your Loved One Can Do With Limited Mobility

Frequently performing several at-home activities may enable seniors to build their strength, balance, or coordination or reduce their falling risks. Caregivers or seniors can perform such moves in tandem to enhance their mobility or prevent mishaps. Tightrope Walk Resembling a tightrope walker requires you to hold your arms perpendicular to your sides, paralleling the ground.…

10 Routines For Your Loved One With Hearing Loss

10 Routines For Your Loved One With Hearing Loss

As preventive routines for a loved one with hearing loss, use hearing protection devices (including earplugs or earmuffs) when you cannot escape high-volume sounds. Put your hearing protective devices in accessible locations. Stash earplugs inside your vehicle or office for convenient reach. 10 Routines to Help Protect Your Loved One’s Hearing Put on protective devices…

Best Foods For Seniors Who Have Trouble Swallowing

Best Foods For Seniors Who Have Trouble Swallowing

As life expectancies around the world continue to increase, so is the number of seniors living with dysphagia. Dysphagia literally translates to “difficulty eating”, and seniors with this condition often have trouble with the process of transferring solid food from their mouths to their stomachs. However, this doesn’t mean that mealtimes have to be bland…