High blood pressure, often known as hypertension or HBP, is a dangerous illness that affects many elderly people. In reality, nearly 108 million individuals in the United States have high blood pressure, accounting for about 45 percent of the population. However, just roughly one out of every four people has their condition under control.
This is an issue because it destroys blood vessels, increasing the likelihood of serious (and occasionally deadly) health problems. There is no quick fix for high blood pressure, although lifestyle adjustments and prescription medications can help.
Allow us at Discovery Commons South Biscayne to tell you about how you can manage high blood pressure for mature adult health.
Keep Track of Blood Pressure Regularly
It is critical to keep track of your loved one’s blood pressure in order to lower it. After all, it is difficult to enhance something you cannot quantify. Take daily or weekly blood pressure readings with a home blood pressure monitor.
Keep a journal where you may write down the date and your blood pressure readings so you can follow your progress over time. It also demonstrates when lifestyle adjustments are effective.
Administer Medicines as Prescribed
If your loved one’s doctor has recommended blood pressure medicine, make sure they take it as directed—take tablets on time, do not skip doses, and do not cut pills in half.
Also, make sure to have medicines renewed ahead of time so they do not run out.
Tell your doctor right away if anything is unclear or confusing, or if side effects occur, so they can find a solution.
Maintain a Good Body Weight
Overweight individuals can reduce their blood pressure by reducing just ten pounds. It is possible that they will be able to use less blood pressure medicine as a result of this.
Reduced salt consumption also assists in the management of high blood pressure. It is recommended to limit sodium intake to less than 1500 mg per day.
Engage in Regular Physical Exercise and Activity
Regular exercise assists in the reduction of blood pressure. Aiming for at least two and a half hours of moderate exercise on weekly basis will be very conducive to your loved one’s health.
Do Not Smoke
Nicotine boosts blood pressure and heart rate when a person smokes. Smoking causes blood vessels to constrict, raising blood pressure.
Do Not Drink Too Much Alcohol
Alcohol consumption raises blood pressure. Limit your loved one’s alcohol consumption to two drinks per day for males and one drink per day for women.
Manage Levels of Psychological Stress
When someone is upset, their blood pressure rises, thus it is better to keep stress levels low to lower blood pressure. Meditation and relaxation activities may be beneficial to certain persons. Others may unwind by exercising or engaging in a pastime such as painting, gardening, or crossword puzzles.
Engage in Other Generally Healthful Lifestyle Habits
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle also assists in the reduction of blood pressure. This entails getting enough rest and consuming lots of fluids.