Compared to the past, American men and women are living longer and more robustly than ever before. And this often applies more to women than men. You can expect to hit 75 years of age if you are an average American male, while the average female can live till roughly 80 years old. It’s not exactly clear why women seem to live longer, but regardless, healthy aging for older men should be a hot topic among many males today. We’ve put together a number of suggestions for older men to focus on aging gracefully and healthily.
Go for Regular Health Screenings
With early diagnosis, you’ll stand a better chance of recovering when you treat any health problems sooner rather than later. For men, checking and screening for the following is encouraged:
- AAA (abdominal aortic aneurysm)
- Depression
- Vision and hearing
- Cancer screenings
- Diabetes check
- Cholesterol
- Blood pressure check
- Bone health
- Dental check-ups
- STDs
- Feel free to discuss with your doctor if you have any sexual concerns
If you are feeling sick, do not hesitate to get in touch with your physician. The difference between life and death for older adults is frequently prompt medical attention. What’s more, regularly scheduled complete health checks should be part of your life to stay as healthy as you can.
Get Vaccinated
Make sure you get your vaccinations, shots or boosters including the following:
- COVID-19
- Pneumonia
- Tetanus/diphtheria
- Shingles
- Flu
Socialize with Others
Spending time with others who have similar interests or lifestyles can promote a healthier and happier you. Join a club or activity group. Go to dances. Play golf with a few buddies, go fishing with some friends – the opportunities for socialization are limitless.
Protect Yourself from the Sun
If you’re going outside, make sure you use plenty of sunscreen. This applies to everyone. Wear a wide brimmed hat and sunglasses for further protection from the sun’s harmful UV rays.
Get Rid of Bad Habits
Everyone has bad habits, and they can be difficult to break or alter. But to live a longer, healthier life, we should rethink some of the following choices that we have made. While it’s best to stay away from alcohol, you should only drink in moderation. If you smoke, you really should quit. There are numerous resources today to assist in your endeavor.
Try to get away from unhealthy eating habits. Fad diets should be steered clear of, even though they may offer results. Check with your physician if you feel you need to lose weight but want to do it in a healthy manner. Make sure you’re getting the daily recommended vitamins, minerals, etc. for a man your age.
Get up off the couch! Too many people are sedentary these days, and that applies to individuals of all ages. Take a walk around the beautiful grounds where you live. Go to a dance and get out on the dance floor or swim regularly. Being physically active can help us break away from our bad habits.
Stimulate Your Brain
In addition to exercising your body, your brain needs exercise as well. Sign up for a class at a community college, senior center or local library. Engage in brain stimulating activities like doing jigsaw puzzles, number puzzles, word puzzles, or reading some great books, and more. Keep those brain cells firing!
Take Nutritional Supplements
Lower your risk of fractures and falls by getting plenty of vitamin D and calcium daily. How much vitamin D you need can be determined by a healthcare provider. Where calcium is concerned, shoot for 1500 mg per day. Certain exercises also encourage healthier bones by being classified as bone building, weight bearing exercises (i.e., jogging, walking, weightlifting, etc.). Remember to do stretching, flexibility, and balance exercises, too. Supplements, vitamins, and medications help keep us healthy and alive. But always make sure that any of these are being taken only as directed.