Essential Activities For Your Loved One With Dementia

Essential Activities For Your Loved One With Dementia

Older folks with Alzheimer’s disease or other types of dementia crave and benefit from fulfillment and interaction just like anyone else. There are various activities for dementia patients that stimulate their mind while providing them with an avenue to have fun, be creative, and stay productive to support their cognitive functions. Here are some senior…

Anticipating The Early Signs Of Mental Illness In Your Loved One

Anticipating The Early Signs Of Mental Illness In Your Loved One

Mental illnesses are health conditions that impair a person’s emotions, thoughts, or behavior, resulting in distress and an inability to cope with daily functioning. The World Health Organization reported in 2017 that approximately 15% of adults over age 60 suffer from a mental disorder. Common mental disorders in this age group include depression, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, and…