The rising popularity of mobility scooters has brought about an increased sense of independence for seniors with mobility restrictions. With the right scooter, no longer do they have to rely on wheelchairs or be stuck at home. In this article, we share with you about the different factors to consider when it comes to choosing the right scooter for seniors.
Understanding the Basic Types of Scooters
Mobility scooters are perfect for seniors who have trouble walking for an extended period of time and would like more freedom to get where they need to be. Keep in mind that you have to be able to sit on an upright position with your arms extended in order to operate a scooter successfully. The two basic types of scooters you can choose from are three-wheeled and four-wheeled:
- Three-wheeled: This option is more compact and lightweight, making it easier to control in tightly-packed spaces. They also offer more leg room and tend to be the cheaper option of the two.
- Four-wheeled: While four-wheeled scooters tend to be heavier and more expensive, they also provide you with more stability. With more even weight distribution, you will find that it offers a smoother ride on different types of terrain. However, it can be more difficult to maneuver in crowded spaces.
Factors to Consider When Choosing the Right Scooter
Mobility scooters are not one size fits all. Depending on factors such as your muscle strength and posture, you will find that one model may be more suitable for you than the many others out there. Below are some factors to consider:
- Intended use: Where do you intend to use your scooter: within the confines of home, in your neighborhood, or farther afield? If you want your scooter to take you places, it will need to be able to withstand a wider range of terrains.
- Battery life: Again, this will depend on the purpose you want your scooter to serve. If you intend to go grocery shopping with it, it will need a good few hours of battery life. For short trips outside, a more limited operating range will work fine.
- Portability: Will you need to transport your scooter in a car? If so, you should opt for a model that can be folded or disassembled without too much hassle.
Live Your Best Life in a Senior Living Community
When your mobility restrictions are keeping you from living your best life, consider making the move to a senior assisted living community such as Discovery Commons At Bradenton. Here, you can find all the amenities you need within walking distance, and you can participate in the activities you enjoy without restriction. You will no longer be stuck at home with no opportunities for socialization or unable to access the services you need. With 24-hour nursing care available in our community, you can be assured all your medical needs can be taken care of, giving you and your loved ones peace of mind.